Why Don’t Subaru Doors Lock Automatically

Published on: December 3, 2023
Written by James Henry / Fact-checked by Sazu Jishan

Subaru vehicles do not automatically lock their doors when you walk away. This feature is also absent when the car is in motion.

Subaru’s approach to auto-locking doors is distinct. Unlike some manufacturers, Subaru models like the Forester and Crosstrek do not have a feature that locks the doors automatically when the vehicle starts moving or when the driver walks away. This decision is rooted in Subaru’s commitment to driver control and preference. The company believes in providing drivers with the flexibility to choose their door locking settings, rather than enforcing automatic processes.

Despite this, some Subaru owners have reported issues with their door locks. These problems range from doors not locking or unlocking properly to remote key fob malfunctions. It’s important for Subaru owners to be aware of these potential issues and seek professional assistance if they encounter any problems with their vehicle’s locking mechanisms.

why don't subaru doors lock automatically

The absence of an auto-lock feature when walking away or while driving in models like the Subaru Forester and Crosstrek might be seen as a drawback by some. Yet, it reflects Subaru’s emphasis on manual control over automated systems. This design choice aligns with the brand’s overall philosophy of creating vehicles that are robust, reliable, and user-friendly.

For those interested in a deeper insight into Subaru’s door lock system and the rationale behind their design choices, the detailed article below offers an in-depth look. It provides valuable information for both current owners and potential buyers, helping them make informed decisions about their vehicle’s security features.

Subaru’s Door Locks – A Detailed Look at Automatic Locking

Subaru’s Philosophy on Vehicle Security

Subaru has always marched to the beat of its own drum, especially when it comes to vehicle security. The brand’s focus on manual control over automation is evident in its approach to door locks. Subaru believes in giving drivers the power to choose how their car’s security functions. This philosophy aligns perfectly with their values of reliability and user-friendliness. By not defaulting to automatic door locks, Subaru ensures that drivers are never caught off guard and always have control over their vehicle’s security.

User Preferences and Control

Survey Data on User Attitudes Towards Auto-Locking

It’s fascinating to see how different drivers have varied preferences regarding auto-locking doors. A recent survey revealed a split in opinions. Some drivers appreciate the convenience and added security of automatic locks, while others prefer the control that manual locks provide. This split in preferences highlights the importance of offering options to cater to different needs.

Preferences for Manual vs. Automatic Door Locks

PreferencePercentage of Drivers
Manual Locks45%
Automatic Locks55%
visual chart (1) preferences for manual vs. automatic door locks
visual chart (1) preferences for manual vs. automatic door locks

Safety Considerations in Door Locking Mechanisms

Safety is a paramount concern in any vehicle design, and door locks are no exception. Subaru’s manual locking system is designed with safety in mind. In emergency situations, the ability to control locks manually can be a lifesaver. This approach contrasts with automatic systems, which might lock or unlock in undesirable situations, potentially compromising safety.

Technical Aspects of Subaru’s Door Lock System

Subaru’s current door lock mechanism is a blend of simplicity and effectiveness. While it lacks the auto-lock feature, it’s designed for durability and ease of use. The technical challenge of integrating an automatic system without compromising the manual control aspect is significant. Subaru’s commitment to maintaining manual control means any future auto-lock feature would need to be seamlessly integrated without taking away from the driver’s control.

Comparing Subaru with Other Brands

Auto-Lock Features in Competing Car Brands

When we look at other car brands, many have embraced automatic door locks. This feature is often touted for its convenience and security benefits. However, it’s not without its drawbacks, such as reduced control for the driver and potential malfunctions.

Feature Comparison of Door Locks in Different Car Models

Car ModelAuto-Lock FeatureManual Override Option
Subaru ForesterNoYes
Toyota RAV4YesNo
Mazda CX-5YesYes

Customer Feedback and Reported Issues

Subaru owners generally appreciate the brand’s focus on manual control, but some have reported issues with their door locks. These range from minor inconveniences to more significant problems requiring professional attention.

Frequency of Reported Door Lock Issues in Recent Models

Subaru ModelReported Lock Issues (per 1000 vehicles)
visual chart (2) frequency of reported door lock issues in recent models
visual chart (2) frequency of reported door lock issues in recent models

Advancements and Future Possibilities

Looking ahead, Subaru might consider integrating more advanced locking systems as technology evolves. The key will be to balance these advancements with their philosophy of manual control and reliability. Keeping an eye on industry trends, Subaru could potentially introduce a hybrid system that offers both manual and automatic locking options.


Is Subaru Planning to Introduce Automatic Door Locks in Future Models?

Subaru has not made any official announcements about introducing automatic door locks in their future models. The brand is known for its commitment to safety and user preference, which means any new features, including automatic door locks, would be carefully considered to align with these values. Subaru tends to focus on gradual evolution rather than rapid changes in their vehicle features, ensuring that any new technology is reliable and user-friendly. If they do decide to introduce automatic locks, it’s likely to be a well-thought-out addition that complements their existing security features.

Can Subaru Owners Modify Their Cars to Include Automatic Door Locks?

While it’s technically possible to modify a Subaru to include automatic door locks, it’s a complex process. Such modifications would require significant changes to the vehicle’s electrical system and might void the warranty. Additionally, aftermarket modifications can sometimes lead to unexpected issues, such as compatibility problems with other car systems. Subaru owners interested in this should consult with a professional and consider the implications on their vehicle’s warranty and overall functionality.

Do Automatic Door Locks Offer Better Security Than Manual Locks?

The security offered by automatic door locks compared to manual locks is a subject of debate. Automatic locks provide convenience and can ensure that doors are always locked when needed, potentially enhancing security. However, manual locks give the driver full control, eliminating the risk of automatic systems failing or locking the driver out accidentally. The choice between the two often comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of the driver.

Are There Any Legal Regulations Preventing Subaru from Implementing Auto-Locks?

There are no specific legal regulations preventing Subaru from implementing automatic door locks. Automotive regulations typically focus on safety standards, emissions, and other performance aspects. The choice to include or exclude automatic door locks is more about the manufacturer’s design philosophy and customer preference. Subaru’s decision to stick with manual locks is aligned with their brand values and approach to vehicle design, rather than being influenced by legal constraints.

How Do Subaru’s Manual Door Locks Compare in Terms of Durability?

Subaru’s manual door locks are generally considered to be quite durable. Since they involve fewer electronic components than automatic locks, there’s less that can go wrong or malfunction over time. Manual locks are straightforward in their design, which often translates to fewer maintenance issues and a longer lifespan. This durability is in line with Subaru’s overall focus on creating reliable, long-lasting vehicles.

What Is the Public Perception of Subaru’s Decision to Stick with Manual Locks?

Public perception of Subaru’s decision to stick with manual locks varies. Some customers appreciate the simplicity and control that manual locks offer, seeing it as a part of Subaru’s commitment to practical and reliable vehicle design. Others, accustomed to the convenience of automatic locks in other brands, might view it as a drawback. Overall, Subaru owners tend to value the brand’s focus on safety and reliability, which includes their approach to door locks.

How Does the Absence of Automatic Locks Impact Subaru’s Market Competitiveness?

The absence of automatic locks in Subaru vehicles does not significantly impact their market competitiveness. Subaru has a strong customer base that values the brand’s focus on safety, reliability, and all-wheel-drive capabilities. While some potential buyers might prefer a vehicle with automatic locks, Subaru’s reputation and the quality of their vehicles in other areas continue to attract a loyal customer base. The decision to exclude automatic locks is just one aspect of Subaru’s broader approach to vehicle design, which prioritizes user control and simplicity.

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