Fixing the Issue: Fifth Wheel Won’t Unlock – A Practical Guide

Published on: August 10, 2023
Written by James Henry / Fact-checked by Sazu Jishan

It’s the trailer tow weight or back pressure on the fifth wheel pin that causes the issue. To resolve it, you should drop the landing gear down, put your truck in neutral, and then pull the release lock handle. Doing this will take the back pressure off the kingpin, and you can put the truck back into park.

The fifth wheel is a critical component in towing trailers, as it connects the trailer to the towing vehicle through a hitch and coupling mechanism. If the fifth wheel won’t unlock, it could signify a jammed or faulty mechanism, potentially leading to serious issues while on the road. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that the hitch, latch, and entire coupling system are working smoothly. Ignoring this problem may lead to a challenging and potentially dangerous towing experience.

fifth wheel won't unlock

Jammed fifth wheels are often caused by wear and tear, dirt accumulation, or misalignment of the hitch and latch components. Regular maintenance, cleaning, and inspection are necessary to prevent these problems from arising. A well-functioning fifth wheel ensures a safe and efficient towing process, making it essential for truck drivers to be aware of this issue and how to remedy it quickly. By following the simple steps described earlier, one can usually alleviate the problem and continue their journey without unnecessary delay or risk.

Fifth Wheel Won’t Unlock: Defining the Problem

Scope of the Problem

Fifth wheel locking issues are surprisingly common among truckers and trailer owners. The fifth wheel won’t unlock predicament can lead to delays, potential damage, and even safety risks. Addressing this issue promptly is crucial for continuous operation.

Symptoms and Early Detection

Being alert to certain signs can help you detect a locking problem early. These include resistance when attempting to unlock the fifth wheel, unusual noises, and visible wear or misalignment in the lock assembly. Prompt recognition can save time and prevent further complications.

The Role of Trailer Tow Weight/Back Pressure

Mechanism and Effects

The back pressure on the fifth wheel pin plays a crucial role in keeping the lock engaged. Excessive or insufficient pressure can lead to locking issues, making it challenging to unlock the fifth wheel.

Relationship with the King Pin

The king pin holds a vital place in the trailer’s connection with the truck. It fits into the fifth wheel, creating a secure attachment. If the back pressure is not properly regulated, it can cause strain on the king pin, making it difficult to unlock.

Safety Measures and Preparations

Necessary Precautions

Before attempting to unlock the fifth wheel, one must consider safety. Ensuring the vehicle is on a level surface, using safety gear, and disconnecting power are some measures that need to be taken.

Required Tools and Equipment

Having the right tools for the job can make the process smoother. Commonly required items might include wrenches, pliers, lubricants, and specialized unlocking devices designed for fifth wheels.

Step-by-Step Guide to Unlocking the Fifth Wheel

Dropping the Landing Gear

Lowering the landing gear properly ensures stability. Care should be taken to position it correctly and verify that it supports the trailer’s weight adequately.

Neutralizing the Truck

Putting the truck in neutral helps relieve back pressure on the king pin, a necessary step in unlocking the fifth wheel. It must be done cautiously to avoid any unintended movement of the vehicle.

Putting the Truck Back into Park

After neutralizing the pressure, shifting the truck back into park ensures safety and prepares for the unlocking procedure. It’s an essential step in the process.

Pulling the Release Lock Handle

This is the final action to unlock the fifth wheel. Firm and careful pulling of the release lock handle should release the fifth wheel, completing the process.

Troubleshooting: Alternative Solutions

Common Issues and Solutions

Stuck release handleApply lubricant, gently tap with a hammer
Misaligned king pinAdjust alignment with proper tools
Damaged locking mechanismSeek professional assistance for replacement

Consulting a Professional

If the issue persists, it might be wise to consult a professional technician. A skilled expert can diagnose and rectify the problem without risking further damage.

Maintenance Tips for Fifth Wheel

Regular Checks

Regular maintenance checks are essential for keeping the fifth wheel in good working condition. Periodic inspections can identify wear and tear early, allowing for timely repairs.

Replacement Parts and Costs

PartAverage Cost (USD)
Locking Mechanism$150 – $300
King Pin$80 – $160
Release Handle$30 – $60

Avoiding Future Issues with the Fifth Wheel

avoiding future issues with the fifth wheel

Best Practices

Adopting best practices in using and maintaining the fifth wheel can prevent future locking issues. Proper alignment, lubrication, and following the manufacturer’s guidelines can go a long way in ensuring smooth operation.

Continuous Monitoring

Keeping an eye on the performance and condition of the fifth wheel is vital. Regular monitoring helps in early detection of any problems, ensuring that they are addressed before they become severe.

Maintenance Schedule

LubricationEvery 3 months
Alignment CheckEvery 6 months
Complete InspectionAnnually

FAQs for “Fifth Wheel Won’t Unlock”

Is Disconnection of the Battery a Solution to Unlocking a Stuck Fifth Wheel?

Yes, disconnecting car battery may be a solution to unlocking a stuck fifth wheel. By disconnecting the car battery, you can reset the electronic systems and potentially release the fifth wheel. However, it’s crucial to follow proper safety precautions and consult a professional if you’re unsure.

What Should I Do If the Kingpin Jaws Won’t Unlock?

If the kingpin locking jaws won’t unlock, you may need to check for any debris or damage that may be preventing them from releasing. Make sure the mechanism is properly lubricated and functioning. It’s important to have a good understanding of kingpin locking jaws explained to troubleshoot effectively.

Why Do Fifth Wheel Jaws Won’t Lock?

Fifth wheel jaws may fail to lock due to misalignment, wear and tear, or damage to the locking mechanism. Proper maintenance and regular checks can often prevent this issue.

How to Unlock 5th Wheel?

Unlocking a 5th wheel involves lowering the landing gear, putting the truck in neutral to relieve back pressure, shifting back into park, and then pulling the release lock handle.

What Is Automatic Fifth Wheel Release?

Automatic fifth wheel release is a technology that allows the fifth wheel to be unlocked electronically or pneumatically. This can add convenience but also requires specific care and maintenance.

Can In-Cab 5th Wheel Release Be Installed?

Yes, in-cab 5th wheel release systems can be installed. They allow the driver to release the fifth wheel from within the cab, offering convenience and reducing physical effort.

How to Slide Fifth Wheel on Volvo?

Sliding the fifth wheel on a Volvo involves releasing the locking mechanism, ensuring proper alignment, and then carefully adjusting the position of the fifth wheel. Specific instructions may vary by model.

What to Do if Fifth Wheel Release Handle Won’t Stay Out?

If the fifth wheel release handle won’t stay out, it might be due to a faulty or worn-out spring mechanism. Inspection and replacement of the affected parts may be required.

Does a 5th Wheel Release Switch Require Special Maintenance?

Yes, a 5th wheel release switch, particularly if it’s part of an automatic or in-cab system, may require special maintenance. Following the manufacturer’s guidelines and regular inspections will help ensure its proper function.


This guide offers practical insights and clear instructions to help address the ‘fifth wheel won’t unlock’ issue. Proper care, maintenance, and knowledge of the process can ensure the smooth functioning of the fifth wheel, allowing for safer and more efficient use of your trailer.

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